Premium Hand Crafted Beer

To share with quality friends.

14482 Big Basin Way
Historic Downtown Saratoga, CA    (MAP & Hours)





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Join the

ManyFriends "18-inchers"

(1/2 yard)

`Mug Club`

NOTE: Beginning in 2024, 18-incher membership is by invite-only.

It's fine to show interest, but there's a test. 🙃
(Hint: The first question will be "why do you want to join?". They get harder, after that.)


  • Your personal 1/2 yard (18", ~24oz) glass on display.
  • A plaque with your name, join-date and catch-phrase.
    Decorate your 18 inches however you like.
  • First 1/2 yard pour of the day is charged at $5.
  • Subsequent pours charged as a pint.
    1/2 yard pours available to members only!
  • $2 off pints/flights everyone in your party.
  • NOTE: Discounts may not be combined with other offers.
  • Growler-fill discounts.
  • (Super-premium and limited-edition beers excluded.)
  • 1/2 off all food items for members & all guests.
  • Discounted soft drinks for members & all guests.
  • Early access to new releases.
  • Includes exclusive access to some "short run" releases.
  • Special members-only events.
  • Sign-up/longevity swag (see below).
  • Bragging rights.


  • ManyFriends' 18-inchers membership is by invite.
  • Learn more about the process below under "Joining:".
  • $300 first year. Includes:
  • 1/2 yard glass,
        Stored in your place of honor on our "18-inchers" display, marked with a plaque showing your name, join-date and words of wisdom / catch phrase.
    (1) ManyFriends vinyl sticker.
    (1) ManyFriends postcard w/stamp.
    All member benefits.
  • $240 to renew.
  • Includes longevity renewal gifts:
      Year 2: (2) Logo pint glasses.
      Year 3: (3) Cans of beer (your choice).
      Year 4: (4) Growler (4 pints) fill.
      Year 5 and beyond: TBD
    Renew any time during your anniversary month for continuous membership.
    • Fine Print:
    • * Membership is good through the end of the anniversary of your sign-up month.
        Ex: Join on May 12, 2020; membership good through May 31, 2021.
      * A member may extend membership any time during the year following expiration and recieve longevity-based items.
        Ex: Join on May 12, 2020; renew on Jun 23, 2021; membership extended until May 31, 2022 & get 2nd year items.
      * Memberships lapsed more than 1 yr will forfeit that "spot" (ex: on a wall rack or the ceiling- hang order), making it available for another. The expired member, if they wish to re-join, will do so as a new (1st-year) member. Fully-lapsed members forfeit their 1/2 yard, if left behind (the half yard is yours with initial membership and, any time you like, you can take it home. By way of example, we have had members move out of the area and take their 1/2 yards with them.)
  • NOTE:Membership fees are "+ sales tax", as required by The State.
  • $70 -- Replacement 1/2 yard. Don't break it!


ManyFriends' 18-inchers membership is by invite. The recruitment process is geared toward attracting members that share and reflect ManyFriends values, contributing to our welcoming atmosphere and generally making the space better by their presence. This is very-much not a revenue-center kind of thing where we just take your money and hope you don't return. "It's not that kind of place!"

  • Ease into it, and understand that the process might take a while.
  • * We're thrilled that you love the space, but it's probably not quite what you might expect. Come and visit a few times, hang out, get a feel for what's happening, think about if it's really the sort of place in which you want to be invested.
    * Not only the vibe, but learn a little about our mission. Understand our meaning behind mantras like "it's not about The Beer", "we don't hustle", and "it's not that kind of place", "it's not a bar" and similar.
  • Meet a few of the existing 18-inchers.
  • * We understand that people have different schedules; do what you can. This is less about a meeting-count and more just you meeting some people who can help orient you to some of what we're all about.
    * While these are the people who may eventually suggest that you would make a good addition to our club, try not to focus on the "hey, can you recommend me?" angle of things. It's fine to express interest, but they know how this works and, getting back to the first point, don't rush things; "it's not that kind of place!" Try to focus on learning about ManyFriends and our mission.
  • After you've met several of them, some of the current 18-inchers may suggest to one of the managers that you'd be a good addition. This is most likely to happen when you're not around, facilitating a candid discussion of how your presence makes ManyFriends a better place for everyone.
  • Once that happens, at management's discretion, on a subsequent visit, we may ask if you're interested in signing up. If so, we'll take some basic information, explain the secret handshake, and put your first years' membership on your tab. Welcome to ManyFriends 18-inchers!
  • NOTE: If things aren't happening as fast or the way you'd like, keep in mind that this is how we operate. Think about your motives & desire to be a part of it -- is this really what you want? Why? We do everything we can to avoid being caprecious and arbitrary, but the development of a "ManyFriends Culture" is a big thing for us, so we think a lot about what's best for the space, in the long term.