Premium Hand Crafted Beer

To share with quality friends.

14482 Big Basin Way
Historic Downtown Saratoga, CA    (MAP & Hours)


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ManyFriends Brewing Company is a safe, fun, respectful, playful place to meet new friends with interesting backgrounds, each with a different story to share.

Come, enjoy each other!

Located smack in the middle of the Historic Village of Saratoga California, ManyFriends Brewing Company makes small-batch, premium craft beer to share with your quality friends.

We're Type-23 Small Beer Manufacturer -- a Craft Microbrewery -- with a tasting room. All our beers are made on-site, and the brewing operations are easily viewed from the tasting area.

We also have growlers and packaged beer to take with you. In addition to bar-snacks (pretzels, peanuts, and the like), we also offer a few hot-food choices, though we mostly encourage folks to take advantage of the many terrific restaurants within a short walking distance (including our next-door neighbors on either side!)

You may have heard of our "Practice Brewery" of the same name that was formerly in Santa Cruz County. That facility is no longer in operation, being superceded by this one.



See our ever-changing full beer menu for what's on tap.
(It also lists upcoming releases.)

Our `Mug Club`, the ManyFriends 18-inchers, is always looking for a few good friends.

Join Our Team!








Who is "ManyFriends"...?

Created in 2001, ManyFriends was founded with the idea of bringing people together to interact in safe, fun, playful ways and becoming friends.

A slightly longer version of our story can be found on our blog


Other Random Thoughts...

Folks sometimes ask what kinds of beer we make. I made a blog post to talk about that.

...That's actually a continuation of my earlier post where I share some Thoughts on beer styles.



Where can I get some of that delicious ManyFriends beer?

You can stop-in, of course; enjoy a pint or two! Or take a growler home with you. Or hit-up your local neighborhood public beer house and tell them to contact us about getting some of that delicious ManyFriends brew!

If you're a bar, restaurant, liquor store, olive-oil botique, laundr-o-mat or other licensed beer seller that is looking for premium craft beer to serve your patrons, give us a jingle at:

Contact info:

Ted Oliverio, Manager
ManyFriends Brewing Company
PO Box 33241
Los Gatos, CA 95031

Drop us a note:



Legal & other fine-print...  

TTB: BR-CA-21187  

Copyright © 2018-2023 All Rights Reserved.  



"Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well."
~Vincent Van Gough